Friday, March 20, 2009

T.M. is I mean really you're that big of a drama queen that you want everybody to know you're having a bad day, but even beyond that you leave it open

...ended cause you want sympathy and people to ask what's what's wrong, so you can air your dirty laundry all over the Internet, f-ing lame. Confide in a friend not the world wide web, jesus.

Are you roaring with laughter yet? First thing’s first, that’s a hella long status message. I’ve got to test that out. This means I can put chapters of my book in my status message to force people into daily reading. Brilliant.

Let’s go back to a simpler time. Say, 1950 B.S. (Before Status). June was mad at Dot for bringing ambrosia to the church picnic because June clearly said on the sign-up sheet that she was bringing ambrosia. Dot arrived first, so she got all the ambrosia-prestige. June, being a Taurus, had a tantrum, “I specifically said that I was bringing the ambrosia!” June handles her humiliation by whispering to Miss Davenport at euchre. She whines to the Bradfords during Family Bowling Night. She cries to Mrs. Kingston (“I thought I was doing something nice!”) at the grocery store.

Is this the same thing? You tell me.

Narcissistic Rating: 9 (sorry, T.M., but in blasting someone else’s narcissism, you became narcissistic.)

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